Seq-Star™ DNA Size Selection Kit

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Seq-Star™ DNA Size Selection Kit offers efficient removal of undesired adaptor dimers and selection of a desired peak size for the library.

• Gel-free size selection: Simple and rapid procedure for either single-tube or automated high-throughput format.
• Optimized selection chemistries: Consistent performance across various types of libraries, such as gDNA-seq, RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, or MeDIP/hMeDIP-seq.
• High recovery of targeted DNA fragments: Over 85% DNA fragment recovery in the desired size range.
• Compatible with different applications of NGS platforms: Various read lengths, single-read or paired-end run types, etc.

Product NameCatalog NoSizePrice
Seq-Star™ DNA Size Selection Kit AS-MB-008-01 24 reactions
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Seq-Star™ DNA Size Selection Kit AS-MB-008-02 96 reactions
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With the Seq-Star™ DNA Size Selection Kit, undesired adaptor dimers are efficiently removed by the supplied Protocol I for adaptor dimer removal (Fig. 1A). A desired peak size for the library can be selected using Protocol II according to the sizing table in the user guide (Fig. 1B).

NGS libraries size selection

Figure1. NGS libraries size selected by Seq-Star™ DNA Size Selection Kit. (A) Adaptor dimer removal using the adaptor dimer removal Protocol I. The size selected library has a 200~1500 bp size distribution appearing as the DNA smear in the range. Adaptor dimers are completely absent. (B) DNA-seq library was size selected at a peak size of 400 bp using the size selection Protocol II. The library has the desired peak size at 400 bp and DNA size distribution of 300~500 bp.

DNA Size selection with Seq-Star™ DNA Size Select beads

Figure 2. DNA Size selection with Seq-Star™ DNA Size Select beads . 500 ng of 50-bp ladder marker DNA was purified at different Bead:DNA ratios (v:v). The DNA exclusion size cutoff is increased by lowering the Bead:DNA ratio.