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About Us

Arraystar is dedicated to empower research on regulatory non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) and the epitranscriptomics, which have become the most fascinating and forefront areas of biomedical science research. Our innovative products, in-depth expertise, and strong bioinformatics in these areas have supported over one thousand high impact publications since our 2009 inception. Over the years, our client base has expanded to thousands of eminent research institutions all around the world. 

Go Beyond RNA

With the discoveries of novel gene regulatory activities, non-coding RNA classes represent the fundamental biology going beyond coding mRNAs and encoded proteins as the focal point of the central dogma. The pursuit to uncover pivotal roles of ncRNAs in gene regulation, programming, and orchestration has attracted intense scientific interest with alluring opportunities of finding new disease regulators, biomarkers, and therapeutic targets. While the industry of gene expression analysis has long been predominantly covering only mRNAs, Arraystar is taking the lead in supporting scientific endeavor into the once hidden yet exciting world of non-coding RNAs: lncRNAs, circular RNAs, microRNAs, tRNAs, tRFs, tiRNAs, snoRNAs and more.

As a newly unveiled layer of gene regulation, epitranscriptomic modifications of coding mRNAs and non-coding RNAs determine the molecular fates and profoundly impact cellular processes, such as RNA activities, splicing, export, stability and translation in disease and health. With rapid advances in the field and new methodology development, epitranscriptomics has come of age. Arraystar is in the best position to help your research into this omics dimension of not only mRNA, but also long and small ncRNA epitranscriptomics.


Our Vision

Going beyond conventional mRNA expression analysis, our vision is focused on the transcriptome- and epitranscriptome-wide profiling and analysis of long and small non-coding RNA classes, each with distinct RNA properties and biological activities requiring specialized methodologies and bioinformatics:

• lncRNAs
• circular RNAs
• tRNAs
• tRFs and tiRNAs
• snoRNAs
• microRNAs and their target mRNAs
• piRNAs
• and more


Our Technologies

Arraystar develops and uses best-in-class technologies to analyze each of the ncRNA classes. In particular, as the industry’s first ncRNA profiling solutions that have revolutionized the expression analysis, our lncRNA and circular RNA microarrays are the most sensitive and powerful profiling technology of choice: proven superior over RNA-seq, unrivaled by any other technology platforms, making over one thousand high impact scientific publications.

Our products and services are specially tailored to cover nearly all small non-coding RNA classes: tRNAs, tRFs, tiRNAs, microRNAs, piRNAs, and snoRNAs. With our premium content design and advanced high-fidelity chemistry, Arraystar Small RNA microarrays have risen the bar of sensitivity, accuracy, and multi-transcriptomic coverage to simultaneously profile all major small RNA classes on a single array. 

In the new dimension of epitranscriptomics, Arraystar Epitranscriptomic Microarrays and MazF m6A Single Nucleotide Microarrays have achieved a new level of analytical sensitivity, quantification accuracy, stoichiometric profiling, and single base resolution long desired for epitranscriptomic studies.


Our Mission

Arraystar will continue to take the industry lead to provide the best-in-class technologies and services for non-coding RNA and epitranscriptomic research, to explore new horizon, to open new opportunities, and to accelerate and advance your science of groundbreaking discoveries.