Webinar Dates:
Thursday Apr 11, 2018 at 10:00 AM (EDT)/4:00 PM (CET)/3:00 PM (UK) 
Thursday Apr 26, 2018 at 4:00 PM (EDT)/1:00 PM (PDT) 
Dear Researchers,
Super-enhancers are top ranking master gene regulators that program the cell lineages, cell types, cell identities, and diseases. Super-enhancer lncRNAs (SE-lncRNA) transcribed from the super-enhancers activate the target coding genes by multiple mechanisms. Arraystar SE-lncRNA microarrays simultaneously profile SE-lncRNAs, target genes, all TFs, and all oncogenes to explore this scientific gold mine emerged from hidden just recently.
Takeaways from the webinar:
1. What are Super-enhancer LncRNAs?
2. Why study them?
3. How to study them effectively?
We look forward to meeting you online!
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