Arraystar Refseq Promoter Arrays

  • Description
  • Highlights
  • Human Database
  • Mouse Database
  • Rat Database

Arraystar Refseq Promoter Arrays are designed for methylated DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP/chip), hydroxymethylated DNA immunoprecipitation (hMeDIP/chip), or chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP/chip) experiments to study epigenetic modifications or chromatin binding sites in the promoter regions and their nearby CpG islands of all the protein coding genes.

Gene promoters are often associated with transcription factors (TFs) and regulated epigenetic marks, such as DNA methylation/hydroxymethylation and histone modifications, which are critical for the precise control of gene expression.

Arraystar Human 4x180 K RefSeq Promoter Arrays are specifically designed for the unbias identification of epigenetic modifications and transcription factor binding sites within 23,148 mRNA promoter regions by using 60-mer tiling probes at approximately 210 bp spacing. The probes for positive, negative are also included to facilitate experimental performance assessment.

Arraystar Mouse 4x180 K RefSeq Promoter Arrays are specifically designed for the unbias identification of epigenetic modifications and transcription factor binding sites within 22,327 mRNA promoter regions by using 60-mer tiling probes at approximately 205 bp spacing. The probes for positive, negative are also included to facilitate experimental performance assessment.

Arraystar Rat 4x180 K RefSeq Promoter Arrays are specifically designed for the unbias identification of epigenetic modifications and transcription factor binding sites within 15,987 mRNA promoter regions by using 60-mer tiling probes at approximately 205 bp spacing. In addition, our Rat RefSeq Promoter Array can also interrogate 310 miRNA promoters. Further, probes for positive, negative are included to facilitate experimental performance assessment.

Product NameCatalog NoDescriptionFormatPrice
Human Refseq Promoter Array AS-RP-H 23,148 mRNA promoter regions 4*180K
Mouse Refseq Promoter Array AS-RP-M 22,327 mRNA promoter regions 4*180K
Rat Refseq Promoter Array AS-RP-R 15,987 mRNA promoter regions 4*180K

• Provides coverage of promoter regions for all annotated mRNAs from RefSeq database.

• Uses long (60 mer) oligonucleotide probes, delivering results with unparalleled sensitivity and specificity.

• Generates an integrated regulation map of all mRNAs, when combined with data from our Arraystar LncRNA Array service.


Total number of probes:       180 K

Probe length:                        60 mer

Median Probe Spacing:        210 bp

Genome build:                        hg19

High-throughput tiling regions:

Term Tiling regions Number Source
mRNA mRNA promoter regions from 1.3 kb upstream of TSS to 500 bp downstream of TSS 23,148 RefSeq


Total number of probes:       180 K

Probe length:                       60 mer

Median Probe Spacing:        205 bp

Genome build:                        MM9

High-throughput tiling regions:

Term Tiling regions Number Source
mRNA mRNA promoter regions from 1.3 kb upstream of TSS to 500 bp downstream of TSS 22,327 RefSeq


Total number of probes:       180 K

Probe length:                       60 mer

Median Probe Spacing:        158 bp

Genome build:                        RN4

High-throughput tiling regions:

Term Tiling regions Number Source
mRNA mRNA promoter regions from 1.3 kb upstream of TSS to 500 bp downstream of TSS 15,987 RefSeq