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PCR Array for Cancer miRNA & Target mRNA Profiling

MicroRNAs have causal roles in cancers by targeting corresponding mRNAs and affect all hallmarks of cancer, from cell proliferation, evading growth suppression, activating invasion and metastasis, replicative immortality, angiogenesis, to resisting cell death. The specific profiles or signatures of miRNAs released in biofluids, such as serum or plasma, are characteristic of cancer progression and clinical features, which present excellent opportunities for cancer biomarker development. The mRNA targets of the miRNAs can be predicted; however the actual expression levels will need to be measured experimentally to evaluate the consequence of the cancer miRNA regulation.

Arraystar miRStar™ Cancer miRNA & Target mRNA PCR Array simultaneously profiles cancer miRNAs and their mRNA targets on the same PCR panel. The extremely efficient rApp activated adapter ligation and Tm fine tuned/normalized primer design allow superior sensitivity and specificity for miRNAs as validated experimentally. The qPCR array accurately and conveniently analyzes the miRNAs most relevant to cancers, and more importantly, provides immediate correlation of the cancer miRNAs interacting with their target mRNAs.


  • Profile miRNAs and their target mRNAs on the same array in the same experiment for immediate and precise expressional correlation.
  • Up-to-date and broad coverage of 184 cancer miRNAs and 178 mRNA targets in all major cancer types. The number of the miRNAs are:

Gastric cancer: 97

Pancreatic cancer: 139

Liver cancer: 113

Prostate cancer: 140

Ovarian cancer: 123

Breast cancer: 157

Lung cancer: 156

Colorectal cancer: 130

  • Fully experimentally validated primers in serum/plasma samples.
  • High definition dual miRNA and target mRNA cancer profiles.

Figure 1. The differential miRNA and mRNA expression, and correlated target mRNA silencing, binding sites and targeting properties.

Meet Us at Tradeshows
AACR Annual Meeting 2017
Date: April 1 - 5, 2017
Booth: #1650
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Arraystar Inc. 9430 Key West Avenue Rockville MD 20850